Sunless Tanner Secrets!

Before you spray, you must make sure your skin is clean and exfoliated. There are two reasons for this. One, the organic tanner interacts with your skin to create the tanning process so the more skin it can contact (without oils or creams between) the faster and deeper your tan will be. Secondly, dead skin cells tend to get darker than fresh cells and may cause some spotting so you're outcome will be much more even once you properly clean and exfoliate your skin.
When your done, dry off and go to the next step. I put plastic grocery store bags on my feet from the ankle down to keep the tops of my feet
from getting tan from the falling mist.
Some of our customers have told me that they apply a thin layer of cocoa butter or other natural lotion like MSF Sweet Potato, Melon Fresh or Honey & Aloe to theirs. They also apply to elbows and knees because those areas tend to get darker faster and the lotion dilutes the tanner.
O.k. with those bases covered, it is best if you have a friend who can spray you. Sure you can do it yourself (and I do most of the time) but
when I can get my husband to do it, it is easier to maintain a more even coverage.
Have them hold the bottle about a foot from your body and spray evenly from side to side, making sure to get an even coat. Applying too much each time will cause runs and you don't want that or you'll have streaks. Just a very light coat works like magic. I know you won't feel like anything is happening but trust me, it is.
Cover your whole body or the areas you want tan with that first coat and wait 3 minutes or so for it to dry. One of the things people love about it is that it dries very fast.
Once the first coat dries, repeat the process two more times for a total of 3 coats the first day. You're done. You'll see it the next day.
Repeat this process no more than three days straight o.k.? Once you've done if for three days, STOP and wait for 48 hours for your tan to “mature” and show you the final shade. If you want to be darker, simply continue to apply the Nada De Sol as above until you reach your ideal shade. Once that happens, you can usually maintain your tan with a once a week application. Remember, you won't see the final results for 48 hours
after the final coat.
That's it! That's all you need to have a cool looking tan. And when people ask where you got your beautiful tan, tell 'em Tahiti!