The naked truth. We we think My Skin's Friend products are the best
Those of us who are "health nuts" or "food freaks" take it on the chin all the time about our "weirdness". People look at us funny. They sometimes even have contempt. By insisting on organic or natural, it's almost like we're saying that they are stupid for NOT insisting on natural or organic.
The truth is, it wasn't that long ago that I was ignorant like the majority of consumers. I thought if it wasn't good for us, the manufacturer wouldn't be putting it into the product right? I guess age has something to do with my slow discovery and evolution from an ignorant and trusting consumer to a skeptical and paranoid person when it came to ingredients in food, drink, skin and hair care products. If you think about it, those are the big four although you can throw in laundry detergents and other household products too. To me, they could have an indirect effect but I was willing to give that a pass in the beginning.
I first learned about the effects of things I ate in 1987. I loved sweets but knew that sugar was something I definitely needed reduce. I didn't like the taste of "Sweet N' Low" or saccharin so I was beyond excited when aspertame was introduced because it sweetened "just like sugar" but didn't have any apparently after taste and of course, if it wasn't good for us the FDA wouldn't allow it to be sold right? I went on an aspartame binge to beat everything. Then I began to have all sorts of weird things happen including not being able to think straight. Never occurred to me that it might be the aspartame until I decided that was a relatively new thing I'd been ingesting and it wouldn't hurt to do some testing to see. Well, you can guess what going off it for two weeks and then back on it for a few days produced. I was shocked. That was before the interent so I had to do research the old fashioned way and boy was I shocked when I discovered the truth about aspartame. In fact, I was so incensed that I wrote a letter to then president Ronald Reagan telling him the horrors of aspartame and my personal experience and urging him to fire then Secretary of Health Dr. David Kessler for allowing this stuff to be sold to unspecting Americans even though he had to know its dangerous side effects. I got a nice letter back basically saying that the jury was still out on aspertame and that as far as they could tell, it was safe. That was the moment I realized I could no longer trust the Federal Government to look after our best interests. Yea, I know. I was naive to even think that but hey, like the title said, the naked truth here.
From there forward I began a crusade to find out everything I could about natural products. But I was just thinking about food--not skin and hair products. I've found plenty of items that sound natural but whose roots are deep in the unnatural. Now we have another worry--GMO foods. Although there have been many claims regarding dangers of GMO foods, the truth is nobody really knows for sure what the long term effects of these frankenfoods will be. I avoid them like the plague and we make sure the soy