“25% of what you eat keeps you alive. The other 75% keeps your doctor alive.” Egyptian proverb
Clearing up skin issues from the inside out
Our company’s goal is to help customers get relief from recurring or chronic skin issues permanently. It is not uncommon for our customer care team to recommend potential solutions that do not require a purchase from My Skin’s Friend.
When asked for advice about clearing up chronic skin problems, our recommendations often include consulting with their health care provider to check hormone levels and taking a serious look at their diet.
I’ve seen friends and family members (and I have personally) cleared up or improved skin problems by making a few simple changes in the kinds of foods I eat. Our body is made perfectly and chugs along pretty well most of the time in spite of the abuse we often subject it to by eating nutritionally empty foods. But for many—or dare I say the majority of us—there comes a time when our bodies scream “no mas!”
While reading through a new book by Dr. Josh Axe, titled “EAT DIRT” I realized that this was going to become recommended reading for our customers. Dr. Axe provides a logical thesis on the relationship between the state of our alimentary canal and the way we look and feel.
Acne, ruddy complexion, bags and/or black circles under the eyes, dull and brittle hair and chronic itchy skin can often be a result of an unhealthy intestinal tract. Depression, chronic fatigue and even the onset of more life threatening diseases begin in the gut. Dr. Axe eloquently explains how helping his mother escape decades of debilitating diseases including the big “C,” was a result of healing the stream from which all nutrients flow—the digestive tract.
There was a time (not that long ago) when food was grown and consumed locally. Water was the main beverage of choice (because for the most part, there were few other choices), and the food we ate was processed very little from farm to table.
Now a days, reading ingredient panels tell you that our food supply has strayed a long way from the time it leaves the family farm till it arrives on our tables. The main objective now is not nourishment, but a long shelf life.
The migration from real food to what some call franken foods, has been so slow and subtle that we’ve hardly noticed that we’re eating ice cream and cheese that doesn’t melt, canned meats with a ten year shelf life, sugar laden drinks (even fruit juices as Dr. Axe points out) and a host of other biological bomb shells that are wrecking havoc on our digestive system. Of course, there’s always a pill you can take to tell your gut to shut and deal with it.

I’ve been on the healthy food/whole food side for decades. Not because it was cool but because I healed a so-called “incurable” disease in 1980 by accidentally stumbling across a book that recommended organic, raw foods and no sugar or flour. Back then it amounted to pure poppy cock to think food could have any effect on one’s health.
It sounded preposterous to me but I figured I had nothing to lose. Boy was I wrong. I lost 25lbs (I only weighted 160 at the time) and my “incurable” disease incrementally disappeared using the “Homer Simpson simple” diet plan recommended in the book. That was my awakening.
As usual, my doctor, an M.D., world class physician who traveled with the US Olympic Team and a close personal friend, said he obviously misdiagnosed me when I told him my story. Getting and staying healthy is actually not that complicated. Just stop doing what's making you sick. The main stream medical union makes it seem complicated to keep you thinking that they, and they only, hold the keys to your health.
Dr. Axe takes you through the chronological climb from where we were decades ago to where we’ve come to nutritionally. He explains how and why our diet has negatively affected our overall health by transforming out gut from an osmosis grade, super fine filter to a leaky tube that allows nutrients that were never supposed to be admitted into the blood stream to pass through. In his easy to understand, down to earth explanation as to the cause, effect and cure for leaky gut syndrome, you’ll be armed with an easy to follow path back to a healthy gut and in turn, a resurrection of your overall health including healthy looking skin thrown in as a bonus!
Are we worried that following Dr. Axe’s advice will make your skin so soft, supple and smooth that you won’t need My Skin’s Friend? Nah. We all love to hydrate and moisturize our skin and we know there’s no one that makes the freshest, cleanest and most effective skin care products in the world right now than My Skin’s Friend. We just think you should know there’s a way to put your skin recovery project on fast forward by working on the inside too by following Dr. Axe’s advice on healing your leaky gut syndrome.
This team approach will have you looking like a million bucks and hauling in the compliments in no time. Your friends will beg you for your secret and when they do, don’t tell ‘em to go pound sand, tell ‘em to Eat Dirt!

Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS is a certified doctor of natural medicine, doctor of c